Sadamune no Santetsu
Sadamune no Santetsu (貞宗三哲) — Three Brilliant Disciples of Sōshū Sadamune
Due to the great popularity of the Sagami School and Sadamune in particular, this master had a lot of disciples. The most famous and talented were united under the name of the so-called Sadamune no Santetsu (Bizen Motoshige [備前元重], Yamashiro Nobukuni [山城信国], and Tajima Hōjōji Kunimitsu [但馬法城寺国光]), however, the list of Sadamune's students did not end there. Among the disciples of Sadamune, according to information from various sources, at one time there were the following masters: Arimasa (有正), Sukenaga (助長), Sadaoki (貞興), Toshinaga (俊長), Shigeari (重有), and Takahiro (高弘).